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I'm a M.Sc in School of Data Science, Fudan University. Now I'm under the supervision of Prof.Xiahai Zhuang. I received my bachelor degree in School of Data Science, Fudan University.

My research interests are mainly about machine learning, computer vision and medical image computing.

Address: School of Data Science, Fudan University, 220 Handan Rd., Yangpu Dist., Shanghai, China, 200000.


  • MICCAl Best Paper and Young Scientist Award finalist [2023]
  • MICCAI STAR award (top ~3%), [2023]
  • Excellent Graduate Award of Shanghai (top 5%), [2023]
  • Fudan University Undergraduate Scholarships (top ~30%) [2020,2021,2022,2023]


  • [Sept 20, 2023] Our MICCAI paper was selected as candidate for MICCAI Best Paper and Young Scientist Award!
  • [Aug 17, 2023] This is the class homepage of JK4, where I serve as the counselor.
  • [Aug 17, 2023] Our MICCAI paper was selected as oral presentation!
  • [May 25, 2023] A paper was accepted by MICCAI2023 (Early Accepted top 14% in total 2253 submissions).